Vol. 183, No. 2, 1998

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Geometric realizations of representations of finite length II

Charles H. Conley

Vol. 183 (1998), No. 2, 201–211

Let G = H ×sn be a semidirect product Lie group, let be a locally closed orbit of H in the dual of n, and let S be the subgroup of H stabilizing some point of . Suppose that 𝒰 is a  of length n + 1 of G, such that every irreducible representation in the composition series of 𝒰 is associated to the orbit and a finite dimensional  of S by the Mackey machine. We prove that if H is a real linear algebraic group, S is an algebraic subgroup of H, and all finite dimensional s of S are rational, then 𝒰 may be realized as a subquotient of the canonical  of G in the space of functions on the nth-order infinitesimal neighborhood of in its ambient vector space, taking values in some finite dimensional  of H.

Received: 10 October 1996
Published: 1 April 1998
Charles H. Conley
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-5116