Vol. 184, No. 1, 1998

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On special generic maps into R3

Osamu Saeki and Kazuhiro Sakuma

Vol. 184 (1998), No. 1, 175–193

Let f : M Rp be a smooth map of a closed n-dimensional manifold M into Rp (n p) which has only definite fold singularities as its singular points. Such a map is called a special generic map, which was first defined by Burlet and de Rham for (n,p) = (3,2) and later extended to general (n,p) by Porto, Furuya, Sakuma and Saeki. In this paper, we study the global topology of such maps for p = 3 and give various new results, among which are a splitting theorem for manifolds admitting special generic maps into R3 and a classification theorem of 4- and 5-dimensional manifolds with free fundamental groups admitting special generic maps into R3. Furthermore, we study the topological structure of the surfaces which arise as the singular set of a special generic map into R3 on a given manifold.

Received: 30 June 1996
Revised: 2 April 1997
Published: 1 May 1998
Osamu Saeki
Hiroshima University
Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526
Kazuhiro Sakuma
Kochi National College of Technology
Nankoku-City, Kochi 783
Kinki University
Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577-8502