Vol. 184, No. 2, 1998

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C functions on the Cantor set, and a smooth m-convex Fréchet subalgebra of O2

Larry B. Schweitzer

Vol. 184 (1998), No. 2, 349–365

We construct a nuclear, spectral invariant, dense Fréchet subalgebra C(K) of the commutative algebra C(K) of continuous complex valued functions on the Cantor set K. The construction uses the group structure of the 2-adic integers on K.

We then use a smooth crossed product construction to get a dense, nuclear Fréchet subalgebra 𝒪2 of the Cuntz algebra O2. We prove the general result that a tempered action of a locally compact group on a strongly spectral invariant dense Fréchet subalgebra of a Banach algebra is automatically m-tempered, and obtain the m-convexity of 𝒪2 as a special case.

Received: 10 October 1994
Revised: 18 October 1996
Published: 1 June 1998
Larry B. Schweitzer
Abratech Corporation, Suite 255
475 Gate Five Road
Sausalito, CA 94965