Vol. 185, No. 2, 1998

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R2-irreducible universal covering spaces of P2-irreducible open 3-manifolds

Robert Myers

Vol. 185 (1998), No. 2, 327–345

An irreducible open 3-manifold W is R2-irreducible if it contains no non-trivial planes, i.e. given any proper embedded plane Π in W some component of W Π must have closure an embedded halfspace R2 × [0,). In this paper it is shown that if M is a connected, P2-irreducible, open 3-manifold such that π1(M) is finitely generated and the universal covering space M of M is R2-irreducible, then either M is homeomorphic to R3 or π1(M) is a free product of infinite cyclic groups and fundamental groups of closed, connected surfaces other than S2 or P2. Given any finitely generated group G of this form, uncountably many P2-irreducible, open 3-manifolds M are constructed with π1(M)G such that the universal covering space M is R2-irreducible and not homeomorphic to R3; the M are pairwise non-homeomorphic. Relations are established between these results and the conjecture that the universal covering space of any irredicible, orientable, closed 3-manifold with infinite fundamental group must be homeomorphic to R3.

Received: 11 February 1997
Revised: 26 July 1997
Published: 1 October 1998
Robert Myers
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078