Vol. 185, No. 2, 1998

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Failure of global regularity of ∂b on a convex domain with only one flat point

Filippo Tolli

Vol. 185 (1998), No. 2, 363–398

In this paper we exhibit a bounded domain in C2 with real analytic boundary which is strictly convex except at one point and for which the b operator is not analytic hypoelliptic modulo its kernel.

The importance of such an example is twofold: First it shows that the theorem of Boas and Straube on global C regularity for b on convex domains cannot be extended to the analytic case; secondly it is the first example of non analytic hypoellipticity of b on a domain with isolated weakly pseudoconvex points in the boundary.

Received: 30 January 1997
Published: 1 October 1998
Filippo Tolli
Via Bellegra 35
00171 Roma