For a unital C∗-algebra
A and an operator T with DomT ⊆ A, RangeT in a normed space, and
kerT = ℂmathrm1, we consider the metric dT on 𝒮(A), the state space of A, given
by dT(ϕ,ψ) = sup{|ϕ(a) − ψ(a)| : a ∈ A & ∥Ta∥≤ 1}, for ϕ,ψ ∈𝒮(A). This is a
generalization of the definition given by A. Connes for defining a metric on 𝒮(A) via
unbounded Fredholm modules over A.
The main problem of our investigation, posed by M. Rieffel, is the relationship
between thus defined metric topology 𝒯dT, and the weak-* topology 𝒯w∗ on 𝒮(A).
We give two different complete characterizations of those operators for which
𝒯dT = 𝒯w∗. First, we establish the relevance to this relationship of the induced
one-to-one operator T : DomT∕ℂ 1 → RangeT, and B1 = {a ∈ DomT : ∥Ta∥≤ 1}∕ℂ 1,
which is the inverse image under T of the unit ball of RangeT. We show that: (1)
dT is bounded if and only if B1 is bounded, if and only if T−1 is bounded; (2)
𝒯dT = 𝒯w∗ if and only if B1 is compact, if and only if T−1 is compact.
Furthermore, we consider the de Leeuw derivation DdT associated to T, which is
defined by (f(y) − f(x))∕dT(x,y), x,y ∈𝒮(A), and is an operator from
C(𝒮(A)) into Cb(Y ), Y = {(x,y) ∈𝒮(A) ×𝒮(A) : x≠y}, whose domain is the
Lipschitz algebra Lip(𝒮(A),dT). We show that 𝒯dT = 𝒯w∗ if and only if
DdT is unbounded on every infinite dimensional subspace of its domain. In
particular, we use all these results to characterize those unbounded Fredholm
modules over A whose metric topology coincides with the weak-* topology on