In this article we prove a
Wiener Tauberian (W-T) theorem for Lp(G∕K), p ∈ [1,2), where G is one
of the semisimple Lie groups of real rank one, SU(n,1),SO(n,1),Sp(n,1)
or the connected Lie group of real type F4,and K is its maximal compact
subgroup. W-T theorem for noncompact symmetric space has been proved so far
for L1(SL2(R)∕SO2(R)) where the generator is necessarily K-finite [A.
Sitaram and M. Sundari, An analogue of Hardy’s theorem for very rapidly
decreasing functions on semi-simple Lie groups, Pacific J. of Math., 177 (1997),
187–200]. We generalize that result to the case of Lp functions of real rank one
groups, without any K-finiteness restriction on the generator. We also obtain a
reformulation of the W-T theorems using Hardy’s theorem for semisimple Lie