Vol. 187, No. 1, 1999

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Components of the space parametrizing graded Gorenstein Artin algebras with a given Hilbert function

Mats Boij

Vol. 187 (1999), No. 1, 1–11

We give geometric constructions of families of graded Gorenstein Artin algebras, some of which span a component of the space Gor(T) parametrizing Gorenstein Artin algebras with a given Hilbert function T. This gives a lot of examples where Gor(T) is reducible. We also show that the Hilbert function of a codimension four Gorenstein Artin algebra can have an arbitrarily long constant part without having the weak Lefschetz property.

Received: 9 July 1997
Revised: 12 September 1997
Published: 1 January 1999
Mats Boij
S-100 44 Stockholm