Vol. 187, No. 1, 1999

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Limit theorem for inverse sequences of metric spaces in extension theory

Leonard R. Rubin and Philip J. Schapiro

Vol. 187 (1999), No. 1, 177–186

We prove a limit theorem for extension theory for metric spaces. This theorem can be put in the following way. Suppose that K is a simplicial complex, |K| is given the weak topology, and a metrizable space X is the limit of an inverse sequence of metrizable spaces Xi having the property that Xiτ|K| for each i . Then |K|. This latter property means that for each closed subset A of X and map f : A →|K|, there exists a map F : X →|K| which is an extension of f.

As a corollary to this we get the result of Nagami that the limit of an inverse sequence of metrizable spaces each having dimension n has dimension n. But we get much more, as this result extends to cohomological dimension modulo an abelian group. Hence, if G is an abelian group and X is the limit of an inverse sequence of metrizable spaces Xi where dimGXi n for each i , then dimGX n.

Received: 3 March 1997
Published: 1 January 1999
Leonard R. Rubin
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
Philip J. Schapiro
Langston University
Langston, OK 73050