Vol. 188, No. 2, 1999

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Congruence of two-dimensional subspaces in M2(K) (characteristic 2)

B. Corbas and G.D. Williams

Vol. 188 (1999), No. 2, 225–235

The structure and classification up to isomorphism of a naturally arising class of local rings is determined. Although we are primarily interested in the case of a finite residue field K, our results apply in fact over any field K of characteristic 2. The problem is shown to be equivalent to that of classifying two-dimensional subspaces of M2(K) up to congruence, and it is in these terms that the question is addressed.

Received: 6 June 1997
Published: 1 March 1999
B. Corbas
University of Reading
Reading RG6 6AX
G.D. Williams
University of Reading
Reading RG6 6AX