Vol. 188, No. 2, 1999

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On the geometry of two dimensional Prym varieties

R. Smith and R. Varley

Vol. 188 (1999), No. 2, 353–369

If Σ is a smooth genus two curve, Σ Pic1(Σ) the Abel embedding in the degree one Picard variety, || the projective space parametrizing divisors on Pic1(Σ) linearly equivalent to , and Pic0(Σ)2 = G(2)4 the subgroup of points of order two in the Jacobian variety J(Σ) = Pic0(Σ), then G acts on || and the quotient variety ||∕G parametrizes two fundamental moduli spaces associated with the curve Σ. Namely, Narasimhan-Ramanan’s work implies an isomorphism of ||∕G with the space of (S-equivalence classes of semi-stable, even) 1 bundles over Σ, and Verra has defined a precise birational correspondence between ||∕G and Beauville’s compactification of 𝒫1(J(Σ)) the fiber of the classical Prym map over J(Σ). In this paper we give a new (birational) construction of the composed Narasimhan-Ramanan-Verra map α : −−→𝒫1(J(Σ)), defined purely in terms of the geometry of a (generic stable) 1 bundle X Σ in , and also an explicit rational inverse map β : 𝒫1(J(Σ)) −−→. The map α may be viewed as an analog for Prym varieties of Andreotti’s reconstruction of a curve C of genus g from the branch locus of the canonical map on the symmetric product C(g1). The map β assigns to an étale double cover π : C C in 𝒫1(J(Σ)), where C and C are curves of genera 5 and 3 respectively, the 1 bundle φ : X Σ, where X = {divisors D in C(4) : π(D) ωC, and h0(D) is even} and φ : X φ(X)Σ Pic4(C) is the Abel map.

Received: 21 July 1997
Revised: 31 March 1998
Published: 1 March 1999
R. Smith
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
R. Varley
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602