Vol. 189, No. 1, 1999

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Restrictions of rank-2 semistable vector bundles on surfaces in positive characteristic

Atsushi Noma

Vol. 189 (1999), No. 1, 153–158

We work over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic. Let E be a semistable rank-2 vector bundle with respect to a very ample line bundle 𝒪(1) on a smooth projective surface. The purpose here is to give an effective bound d0 such that if d d0 the restriction of E to a general member C ∈|𝒪(d)| is semistable.

Received: 21 July 1997
Revised: 10 March 1998
Published: 1 May 1999
Atsushi Noma
Yokohama National University
79-2 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama 240-8501