Vol. 190, No. 1, 1999

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Integral specialization of families of rational functions

Pierre Dèbes and Michael D. Fried

Vol. 190 (1999), No. 1, 45–85

Suppose C is an algebraic curve, f is a rational function on C defined over , and 𝒜 is a fractional ideal of . If f is not equivalent to a polynomial, then Siegel’s theorem gives a necessary condition for the set C() f1(𝒜) to be infinite: C is of genus 0 and the fiber f1() consists of two conjugate quadratic real points. We consider a converse. Let 𝒫 be a parameter space for a smooth family Φ : 𝒯 →𝒫× 1 of (degree n) genus 0 curves over . That is, the fiber 𝒯ppp of points of 𝒯 over ppp × 1 has genus 0 for ppp ∈𝒫. Assume a Zariski dense set of ppp ∈𝒫() have fiber Φppp1(ppp ×∞) over consisting of two conjugate quadratic real points. The family Φ is then a Siegel family. We ask when the conclusion of Siegel’s theorem — Φppp() ∩𝒜 is infinite — holds for a Zariski dense subset of ppp ∈𝒫().

We show how braid action on covers and Hurwitz spaces can tackle this. It refines a unirationality criterion for Hurwitz spaces. A particular family, 10Φ, of degree 10 rational functions, illustrates this. It arises as the exceptional case for a general result on Hilbert’s Irreducibility Theorem. Fried, 1986 says the only indecomposable polynomials f(y) [y] with f(y) t reducible in [y] for infinitely many t ∈𝒜∖ f() have degree 5. We show the family 10Φsatisfies the converse to Siegel’s theorem. Thus, exceptional polynomials of degree 5 in Fried, 1986 do exist.

We suspect this result generalizes, thus codifying arithmetic accidents occurring in 10𝒫′. To illustrate, we’ve cast this paper as a collection of elementary group theory tools for extracting from a family of covers special cases with specific arithmetic properties. Examples of Siegel and Néron families show the efficiency of the tools, though each case leaves a diophantine mystery.

Received: 17 November 1997
Revised: 27 March 1998
Published: 1 September 1999
Pierre Dèbes
Depart. Mathématiques
Univ. Lille
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Michael D. Fried
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697