Vol. 190, No. 2, 1999

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Dual spaces and isomorphisms of some differential Banach -algebras of operators

Edward Kissin and Victor S. Shulman

Vol. 190 (1999), No. 2, 329–360

The paper continues the study of differential Banach *-algebras 𝒜S and S of operators associated with symmetric operators S on Hilbert spaces H. The algebra 𝒜S is the domain of the largest *-derivation δS of B(H) implemented by S and the algebra S is the closure of the set of all finite rank operators in 𝒜S with respect to the norm A= A+ δS(A). When S is selfadjoint, S is the domain of the largest *-derivation of the algebra C(H) implemented by S. If S is bounded, S = C(H) and 𝒜S = B(H), so 𝒜S is isometrically isomorphic to the second dual of S . For unbounded selfadjoint operators S the paper establishes the full analogy with the bounded case: 𝒜S is isometrically isomorphic to the second dual of S. The paper also classifies the algebras 𝒜S and S up to isometrical *-isomorphism and obtains some partial results about bounded but not necessarily isometrical *-isomorphisms of the algebras S.

Received: 10 December 1997
Revised: 16 September 1998
Published: 1 October 1999
Edward Kissin
University of North London
Great Britain
Victor S. Shulman
Polytechnic Institute of Vologda