Vol. 191, No. 1, 1999

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On the index formula for singular surfaces

B. Fedosov, B.-W. Schulze and N. Tarkhanov

Vol. 191 (1999), No. 1, 25–48

The index formula for elliptic pseudodifferential operators on a two-dimensional manifold with conical points contains the Atiyah-Singer integral as well as two additional terms. One of the two is the ‘eta’ invariant defined by the conormal symbol, and the other term is explicitly expressed via the principal and subprincipal symbols of the operator at conical points. The aim of this paper is an explicit description of the contribution of a conical point for higher-order differential operators. We show that changing the origin in the complex plane reduces the entire contribution of the conical point to the shifted ‘eta’ invariant. In turn this latter is expressed in terms of the monodromy matrix for an ordinary differential equation defined by the conormal symbol.

Received: 1 March 1998
Published: 1 November 1999
B. Fedosov
Universität Potsdam
14415 Potsdam
B.-W. Schulze
Universität Potsdam
14415 Potsdam
N. Tarkhanov
Universität Potsdam
14415 Potsdam