Vol. 192, No. 1, 2000

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Discs and the Morera property

Josip Globevnik and Edgar Lee Stout

Vol. 192 (2000), No. 1, 65–91

In previous work, we have considered the problem of showing that a continuous function on a real hypersurface Γ in N satisfies the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations provided that its slices satisfy conditions of Morera type. For instance, these results imply that if Ω N is a bounded convex domain with smooth boundary, strictly convex at z0 bD, if L0 is a complex line tangent to bΩ at z0 and if f is a continuous function on bΩ such that LbΩ= 0 for all complex lines L close to L0 which meet Ω and for all (1,0) forms with constant coefficients, then f is a CR function in a neighbourhood of z0. This fails to hold if L0 is a complex line that meets Ω even under much stronger assumption of holomorphic extendibility along complex lines. Indeed, let 𝔹 be the open unit ball in 2, and define a function f on b𝔹 ∖{z = 0} by f(z,w) = 1z. It is easy to verify that for each complex line L close to the z-axis,  f|L b𝔹 has a continuous extension to L 𝔹 which is holomorphic on L 𝔹, yet there is no open set in b𝔹 on which f is a CR function. So to conclude that f is a CR function one has to assume the holomorphic extension property for a larger family of analytic discs.

Received: 20 April 1998
Published: 1 January 2000
Josip Globevnik
University of Ljubljana
Edgar Lee Stout
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195