Vol. 192, No. 1, 2000

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Shape equivalence, nonstable K-theory and AH algebras

Cornel Pasnicu

Vol. 192 (2000), No. 1, 159–182

We give several necessary and sufficient conditions for an AH algebra to have its ideals generated by their projections. Denote by 𝒞 the class of AH algebras as above and in addition with slow dimension growth. We completely classify the algebras in 𝒞 up to a shape equivalence by a K-theoretical invariant. For this, we show first, in particular, that any C-algebra in 𝒞 is shape equivalent to an AH algebra with slow dimension growth and real rank zero (generalizing so a result of Elliott-Gong); then, we use a classification result of Dadarlat-Gong. We prove that any AH algebra in 𝒞 has stable rank one (i.e., in the unital case, that the set of the invertible elements is dense in the algebra), generalizing results of Blackadar-Dadarlat-Rørdam and of Elliott-Gong. Other nonstable K-theoretical results for C-algebras in 𝒞 are also proved, generalizing results of Dadarlat-Némethi, Martin-Pasnicu and Blackadar.

Received: 10 April 1998
Revised: 10 November 1998
Published: 1 January 2000
Cornel Pasnicu
University of Puerto Rico
San Juan, PR 00931-3355