Vol. 192, No. 2, 2000

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Rational curves on a complete intersection Calabi–Yau variety in 3 × 3

Dag Einar Sommervoll

Vol. 192 (2000), No. 2, 415–430

We study rational curves on the Tian-Yau complete intersection Calabi–Yau threefold (CICY) in 3 × 3. Existence of positive dimensional families of nonsingular rational curves is proved for every degree 4. The number of nonsingular rational curves of degree 1,2,3 on a general Tian–Yau CICY is finite and enumerated. The number of curves of these degrees are also enumerated for the special Tian–Yau CICY. There are two 1-dimensional families of singular rational curves of degree 3 on a general Tian–Yau CICY, making this degree a turning point between finite and infinite number of curves. We also introduce a notion of equivalence of a family of rational curves, and determine the equivalences of the two 1-dimensional families on the Tian–Yau CICY. The equivalences equal the predicted numbers of curves obtained by a power series expansion of the solution of a Picard-Fuchs equation that arises in superconformal field theory.

Received: 2 December 1997
Published: 1 February 2000
Dag Einar Sommervoll
SSB P.b. 8131 Dep N-0033 Oslo