In this paper we study
n-dimensional compact minimal submanifolds in Sn+p with scalar curvature S
satisfying the pinching condition S > n(n − 2). We show that for p ≤ 2 these
submanifolds are totally geodesic (cf. Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.1). However, for
codimension p ≥ 2, we prove the result under an additional restrictions on the
curvature tensor corresponding to the normal connection (cf. Theorem 3.1 and
Corollary 4.1). We also show that the scalar curvature S of a non-totally geodesic
n-dimensional non-negatively curved minimal submanifold in Sn+p with flat normal
connection satisfies n(n − p − 1) ≤ S ≤ n(n − 2) (cf. Theorem 4.1). Since for a
compact hypersurface M of Sn+1 the normal connection is flat, we use the above
estimate for a scalar curvature S of a non-negatively curved minimal hypersurface
M in Sn+1 to infer that either M is totally geodesic or else it is isometric
to the hypersurface Sm× Sn−m. As a consequence this
result, we conclude that the only non-negatively curved compact minimal
hypersurfaces in Sn+1 which are diffeomorphic to Sn is totally geodesic