Vol. 193, No. 1, 2000

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Generalized quadrangles weakly embedded of degree 2 in projective space

Hendrik Van Maldeghem

Vol. 193 (2000), No. 1, 227–248

In this paper, we classify all generalized quadrangles weakly embedded of degree 2 in projective space. More exactly, given a (possibly infinite) generalized quadrangle Γ = (𝒫,,I) and a map π from 𝒫 (respectively ) to the set of points (respectively lines) of a projective space PG(V ), V a vector space over some skew field (not necessarily finite-dimensional), such that:

  • π is injective on points,
  • if x ∈𝒫 and L ∈ℒ with x I L, then xπ is incident with Lπ in PG(V ),
  • the set of points {xπx ∈𝒫} generates PG(V ),
  • if x,y ∈𝒫 such that yπ is contained in the subspace of PG(V ) generated by the set {zπz is collinear with x in Γ}, then y is collinear with x in Γ,
  • there exists a line of PG(V ) not in the image of π and which meets 𝒫π in precisely 2 points,

then we show that Γ is a Moufang quadrangle and we can explicitly describe the weak embedding of Γ in PG(V ). This completes the classification of all weak embeddings of arbitrary generalized quadrangles (using the classification of Moufang quadrangles).

Received: 18 August 1998
Revised: 10 March 1999
Published: 1 March 2000
Hendrik Van Maldeghem
University Gent
9000 Gent