Vol. 193, No. 2, 2000

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L2 spectral decomposition on the Heisenberg group associated to the action of U(p,q)

T. Godoy and L. Saal

Vol. 193 (2000), No. 2, 327–353

Here we consider the Heisenberg group Hn = Cn ×ℜ. U(p,q), p + q = n, acts by automorphism on Hn by g (z,t) = (gz,t).

Let {X1,...,Xn, Y1,...,Yn,T} be the standard basis of the Lie algebra of Hn and let

    ∑p (  2   2)   ∑n  (  2    2)
L =     Xj + Yj −       X j + Yj .
j=1           j=p+1

Via the Plancherel inversion formula, we obtain the joint spectral decomposition of L2(Hn) with respect to L and T

   ∑   ∫ + ∞        n
f =         f ∗S λ,k|λ| dλ, f ∈ S (Hn )
k∈Z  −∞

where each Sλ.k is a tempered distribution U(p,q) invariant satisfying iTSλ,k = λSλ,k, LSλ,k = |λ| (2k+ p − q)Sλ,k. We compute explicitly the distributions Sλ,k and the integral μk = −∞+f Sλ,k|λ|n.

Received: 11 August 1998
Published: 1 April 2000
T. Godoy
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Ciudad Universitaria
5000 Cordoba
L. Saal
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Ciudad Universitaria
5000 Cordoba