Vol. 195, No. 2, 2000

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P. Ara & K.R. Goodearl & K.C. O'Meara & R. Raphael


For any (unital) exchange ring R whose finitely generated projective modules satisfy the separative cancellation property (AAABB B AB), it is shown that all invertible square matrices over R can be diagonalized by elementary row and column operations. Consequently, the natural homomorphism GL1(R) K1(R) is surjective. In combination with a result of Huaxin Lin, it follows that for any separative, unital C*-algebra A with real rank zero, the topological K1(A) is naturally isomorphic to the unitary group U(A) modulo the connected component of the identity. This verifies, in the separative case, a conjecture of Shuang Zhang.

For any (unital) exchange ring R whose finitely generated projective modules satisfy the separative cancellation property (AAABB B AB), it is shown that all invertible square matrices over R can be diagonalized by elementary row and column operations. Consequently, the natural homomorphism GL1(R) K1(R) is surjective. In combination with a result of Huaxin Lin, it follows that for any separative, unital C*-algebra A with real rank zero, the topological K1(A) is naturally isomorphic to the unitary group U(A) modulo the connected component of the identity. This verifies, in the separative case, a conjecture of Shuang Zhang.

For any (unital) exchange ring R whose finitely generated projective modules satisfy the separative cancellation property (A AA BB BAB), it is shown that all invertible square matrices over R can be diagonalized by elementary row and column operations. Consequently, the natural homomorphism GL1(R) K1(R) is surjective. In combination with a result of Huaxin Lin, it follows that for any separative, unital C*-algebra A with real rank zero, the topological K1(A) is naturally isomorphic to the unitary group U(A) modulo the connected component of the identity. This verifies, in the separative case, a conjecture of Shuang Zhang.

For any (unital) exchange ring R whose finitely generated projective modules satisfy the separative cancellation property (A AA BB BAB), it is shown that all invertible square matrices over R can be diagonalized by elementary row and column operations. Consequently, the natural homomorphism GL1(R) K1(R) is surjective. In combination with a result of Huaxin Lin, it follows that for any separative, unital C*-algebra A with real rank zero, the topological K1(A) is naturally isomorphic to the unitary group U(A) modulo the connected component of the identity. This verifies, in the separative case, a conjecture of Shuang Zhang.

For any (unital) exchange ring R whose finitely generated projective modules satisfy the separative cancellation property (AAABB B AB), it is shown that all invertible square matrices over R can be diagonalized by elementary row and column operations. Consequently, the natural homomorphism GL1(R) K1(R) is surjective. In combination with a result of Huaxin Lin, it follows that for any separative, unital C*-algebra A with real rank zero, the topological K1(A) is naturally isomorphic to the unitary group U(A) modulo the connected component of the identity. This verifies, in the separative case, a conjecture of Shuang Zhang.

P. Ara
Departament de Matemàtiques
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra Barcelona
K.R. Goodearl
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
K.C. O'Meara
Department of Mathematics
University of Canterbury,
New Zealand
R. Raphael
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Concordia University
Mont­réal, Québec H4B 1R6