Vol. 195, No. 2, 2000

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Darko Milinković


We give the construction of symplectic invariants which incorporates both the “infinite dimensional” invariants constructed by Oh in 1997 and the “finite dimensional” ones constructed by Viterbo in 1992.

We give the construction of symplectic invariants which incorporates both the “infinite dimensional” invariants constructed by Oh in 1997 and the “finite dimensional” ones constructed by Viterbo in 1992.

We give the construction of symplectic invariants which incorporates both the “infinite dimensional” invariants constructed by Oh in 1997 and the “finite dimensional” ones constructed by Viterbo in 1992.

We give the construction of symplectic invariants which incorporates both the “infinite dimensional” invariants constructed by Oh in 1997 and the “finite dimensional” ones constructed by Viterbo in 1992.

We give the construction of symplectic invariants which incorporates both the “infinite dimensional” invariants constructed by Oh in 1997 and the “finite dimensional” ones constructed by Viterbo in 1992.

Darko Milinković
Matematicki fakultet
Studentski trg 16
11000 Belgrade