Vol. 195, No. 2, 2000

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Dr. Laila E.M. Rashid


Let k be an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic, (A,M, K) a k-algebra of essentially finite type, with K∕k separable and P a local property. We say that LBk(P) holds if: For the generic α = (α1,n) kn P(AxαA) P(A) V (xα) UP (xα = αixi, x1,,xn = M, UP non-empty open subset of SpecA and P(A) = {P SpecA|Ap is P}). We show that: LBK(P) holds LBK(GP) holds for the corresponding geometric property (in particular, for P = regular, normal, reduced, Rs, LBK(GP) holds). As an appliance we obtain a Bertini Theorem for hypersurgace setions of a variety X Pkn concerning the geometric properties.

Let k be an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic, (A,M, K) a k-algebra of essentially finite type, with K∕k separable and P a local property. We say that LBk(P) holds if: For the generic α = (α1,n) kn P(AxαA) P(A) V (xα) UP (xα = αixi, <x1,,xn = M, UP non-empty open subset of SpecA and P(A) = {P SpecA|Ap is P}). We show that: LBK(P) holds LBK(GP) holds for the corresponding geometric property (in particular, for P = regular, normal, reduced, Rs, LBK(GP) holds). As an appliance we obtain a Bertini Theorem for hypersurgace setions of a variety X Pkn concerning the geometric properties.

Let k be an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic, ( A , M , K) a k-algebra of essentially finite type, with Kk separable and P a local property. We say that LBk(P) holds if: For the generic α = (α1,,αn) kn P(AxαA) P(A) V (xα) UP ( x α = α i x i , x 1 , , x n = M , UP non-empty open subset of Spec A and P ( A ) = { P Spec A | Ap is P}). We show that: LBK(P) holds LBK(GP) holds for the corresponding geometric property (in particular, for P = regular, normal, reduced, Rs, LBK(GP) holds). As an appliance we obtain a Bertini Theorem for hypersurface setions of a variety X Pkn concerning the geometric properties.

Let k be an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic, ( A , M , K) a k-algebra of essentially finite type, with Kk separable and P a local property. We say that LBk(P) holds if: For the generic α = (α1,,αn) kn P(AxαA) P(A) V (xα) UP ( x α = α i x i , x 1 , , x n = M , UP non-empty open subset of Spec A and P ( A ) = { P Spec A | Ap is P}). We show that: LBK(P) holds LBK(GP) holds for the corresponding geometric property (in particular, for P = regular, normal, reduced, Rs, LBK(GP) holds). As an appliance we obtain a Bertini Theorem for hypersurface setions of a variety X Pkn concerning the geometric properties.

Let k be an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic, (A,M, K) a k-algebra of essentially finite type, with K ∕ k separable and P a local property. We say that LBk(P) holds if: For the generic α = (α1,n) in kn P(AxαA) P(A) V (xα) UP (xα = αixi, x1,,xn = M, UP non-empty open subset of SpecA and P(A) = {P in SpecA|Ap is P}). We show that: LBK(P) holds LBK(GP) holds for the corresponding geometric property (in particular, for P = regular, normal, reduced, Rs, LBK(GP) holds). As an appliance we obtain a Bertini Theorem for hypersurgace setions of a variety X Pkn concerning the geometric properties.

Dr. Laila E.M. Rashid
Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta University
Kafr El-Sheikh