Vol. 196, No. 1, 2000

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Periodic flat modules, and flat modules for finite groups

D.J. Benson and K.R. Goodearl

Vol. 196 (2000), No. 1, 45–67

If R is a ring of coefficients and G a finite group, then a flat RG-module which is projective as an R-module is necessarily projective as an RG-module. More generally, if H is a subgroup of finite index in an arbitrary group Γ, then a flat RΓ-module which is projective as an RH-module is necessarily projective as an RΓ-module. This follows from a generalization of the first theorem to modules over strongly G-graded rings. These results are proved using the following theorem about flat modules over an arbitrary ring S: If a flat S-module M sits in a short exact sequence 0 M P M 0 with P projective, then M is projective. Some other properties of flat and projective modules over group rings of finite groups, involving reduction modulo primes, are also proved.

Received: 5 March 1999
Revised: 24 November 1999
Published: 1 November 2000
D.J. Benson
Department of Mathematics
University of Georgia
Athens GA 30602
K.R. Goodearl
Department of Mathematics
University of California
Santa Barbara CA 93106