Vol. 196, No. 1, 2000

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Blowups and gauge fields

Nicholas P. Buchdahl

Vol. 196 (2000), No. 1, 69–111

The relationship between stable holomorphic vector bundles on a compact complex surface and the same such objects on a blowup of the surface is investigated, where “stability” is with respect to a Gauduchon metric on the surface and naturally derived such metrics on the blowup.

The main results are: descriptions of holomorphic vector bundles on a blowup; conditions relating (semi)-stability of these to that of their direct images on the surface; sheaf-theoretic constructions for “stabilizing” unstable bundles and desingularising moduli of stable bundles; an analysis of the behavior of Hermitian-Einstein connections on bundles over blowups as the underlying Gauduchon metric degenerates; the definition of a topology on equivalence classes of stable bundles on blowups over a surface and a proof that this topology is compact in many cases.

Received: 30 June 1997
Revised: 9 December 1999
Published: 1 November 2000
Nicholas P. Buchdahl
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia 5005