Vol. 196, No. 1, 2000

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Factoring Hecke polynomials modulo a prime

J.B. Conrey, D.W. Farmer and P.J. Wallace

Vol. 196 (2000), No. 1, 123–130

Let Tp,kN,χ(x) be the characteristic polynomial of the Hecke operator Tp acting on the space of cusp forms Sk(N,χ). We describe the factorization of Tp,kN,χ(x) mod as k varies, and we explicitly calculate those factorizations for N = 1 and small . These factorizations are used to deduce the irreducibility of certain Tq,k1,1(x) from the irreducibility of T2,k1,1(x).

Published: 1 November 2000
J.B. Conrey
American Institute of Mathematics
Palo Alto, CA 94306
D.W. Farmer
Department of Mathematics
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA 17837
P.J. Wallace
Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078