Vol. 196, No. 2, 2000

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The absolute Galois group of C(x)

Dan Haran and Moshe Jarden

Vol. 196 (2000), No. 2, 445–459

We use elementary algebraic methods to reprove a theorem which was proved by Pop using rigid analytic geometry and in a less general form by Harbater using formal algebraic patching:

Let C be an algebraically closed field of cardinality m. Consider a subset S of 1(C) of cardinality m. Then the fundamental group of 1(C)\ S is isomorphic to the free profinite group of rank m.

We also observe that if char(C)0 and 0 < card(S) < m, then π1(1(C)\ S) is not isomorphic to a free profinite group.

Received: 28 April 1999
Revised: 19 November 1999
Published: 1 December 2000
Dan Haran
School of Mathematics
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978
Moshe Jarden
School of Mathematics
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978