Vol. 197, No. 1, 2001

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The stress spaces of bipartite frameworks

Kevin Peterson

Vol. 197 (2001), No. 1, 173–182

We extend the work done by Bolker and Roth in calculating the dimensions of the stress spaces of complete bipartite frameworks. We will present results which are analogous to those known for complete bipartite frameworks, yet hold for a much wider class of bipartite frameworks. The main results give the dimensions of the stress spaces for certain classes of frameworks, which are easily calculated using only the number of bars, the number of joints, and knowledge of the geometry of the specific realization of the framework.

Received: 5 April 1999
Revised: 26 July 1999
Published: 1 January 2001
Kevin Peterson
Columbus State University
Department of Mathematics
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907