Let X be a 1-connected
space with the homotopy type of a CW-space and H a finite group acting
freely on X by homeomorphisms homotopic to the identity. We prove that
lkη∗Gk(X) ⊆ Gk(X∕H) for all k > 1 and some estimated positive integer lk which
depends on k, where Gk is the k′th Gottlieb group and η : X → X∕H is the quotient
map to the orbit space X∕H. We show that lk is independent of k for X with the
homotopy type of a finite CW-space. We also obtain that lπk(X) ⊆ Gk(X) for some
positive integer l (independent on k) provided some restrictions are placed on the
space X and the integer k > 1. Moreover, η∗Gk(X)p= Gk(X∕H)p for the p-primary
components, where p is a prime not dividing the order |H| of the group