Vol. 198, No. 1, 2001

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Symplectic submanifolds from surface fibrations

Ivan Smith

Vol. 198 (2001), No. 1, 197–205

We give a simple construction yielding homology classes in (non-simply-connected) symplectic four-manifolds which admit infinitely many pairwise non-isotopic symplectic representatives. Examples are constructed in which the symplectic curves can have arbitrarily large genus. The examples are built from surface bundles over surfaces and involve only elementary techniques. As a corollary we see that a blow-up of any simply-connected complex projective surface contains a connected symplectic surface not isotopic to any complex curve.

Received: 11 May 1999
Revised: 5 October 1999
Published: 1 March 2001
Ivan Smith
New College
Oxford OX1 3BN