Vol. 199, No. 1, 2001

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Prescribing scalar curvature on Sn

Wenxiong Chen and Congming Li

Vol. 199 (2001), No. 1, 61–78

We consider the prescribing scalar curvature equation

(1)              − Δu + n(n−-2)u = -n-−-2-R(x)unn+−22
4       4(n− 1)

on Sn for n 3. In the case R is rotationally symmetric, the well-known Kazdan–Warner condition implies that a necessary condition for (1) to have a solution is:

R > 0 somewhere and R(r) changes signs.


(a) is this a sufficient condition?

(b) If not, what are the necessary and sufficient conditions?

These have been open problems for decades.

In Chen & Li, 1995, we gave question (a) a negative answer. We showed that a necessary condition for (1) to have a solution is:

(2)        R ′(r) changes signs in the region where R is positive.

Now is this also a sufficient condition? In this paper, we prove that if R(r) satisfies the ‘flatness condition’, then (2) is the necessary and sufficient condition for (1) to have a solution. This essentially answers question (b). We also generalized this result to non-symmetric functions R. Here the additional ‘flatness condition’ is a standard assumption which has been used by many authors to guarantee the existence of a solution. In particular, for n = 3, ‘non-degenerate’ functions satisfy this condition.

Based on Theorem 3 in Chen & Li, 1995, we also show that for some rotationally symmetric R, (1) is solvable while none of the solutions is rotationally symmetric. This is interesting in the studying of symmetry breaking.

Received: 15 September 1998
Published: 1 May 2001
Wenxiong Chen
Department of Mathematics
Southwest Missouri State University
Springfield, MO 65807
Congming Li
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80039