Vol. 199, No. 1, 2001

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Homotopically periodic maps of model aspherical manifolds

Wim Malfait

Vol. 199 (2001), No. 1, 111–119

For a closed orientable surface S, any map f : SS whose n-th power is homotopic to the identity, is homotopic to a homeomorphism g of S of order n. This famous theorem of Nielsen is known to fail in general for aspherical manifolds. In this paper, for model aspherical manifolds M associated to a finitely extendable set of data, we, however, present a weaker version of Nielsen’s result. We show that any homotopically periodic self-map f of M is homotopic to a fiber preserving homeomorphism g of M of finite order (but the order of g is not necessarily equal to the homotopy period of f).

Received: 7 May 1998
Published: 1 May 2001
Wim Malfait
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
B-8500 Kortrijk