Vol. 200, No. 1, 2001

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Vassiliev invariants of knots in a spatial graph

Yoshiyuki Ohyama and Kouki Taniyama

Vol. 200 (2001), No. 1, 191–205

We show that the Vassiliev invariants of the knots contained in an embedding of a graph G into R3 satisify certain equations that are independent of the choice of the embedding of G. By a similar observation we define certain edge-homotopy invariants and vertex-homotopy invariants of spatial graphs based on the Vassiliev invariants of the knots contained in a spatial graph. A graph G is called adaptable if, given a knot type for each cycle of G, there is an embedding of G into R3 that realizes all of these knot types. As an application we show that a certain planar graph is not adaptable.

Published: 1 September 2001
Yoshiyuki Ohyama
Department of Intelligence and Computer Science
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso, Showa-ku
Nagoya, 466-8555
Kouki Taniyama
Department of Mathematics
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
Zempukuji 2-6-1, Suginamiku
Tokyo 167-8585