Vol. 200, No. 2, 2001

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Stable rank and real rank of graph Cāˆ—-algebras

J.A. Jeong, G.H. Park and D.Y. Shin

Vol. 200 (2001), No. 2, 331ā€“343

For a row finite directed graph E, Kumjian, Pask, and Raeburn proved that there exists a universal C-algebra C(E) generated by a Cuntz-Krieger E-family. In this paper we consider two density problems of invertible elements in graph C-algebras C(E), and it is proved that C(E) has stable rank one, that is, the set of all invertible elements is dense in C(E) (or in its unitization when C(E) is nonunital) if and only if no loop of E has an exit. We also prove that for a locally finite directed graph E with no sinks if the graph C-algebra C(E) has real rank zero (RR(C(E)) = 0), that is, the set of invertible self-adjoint elements is dense in the set of all self-adjoint elements of C(E) then E satisfies a condition (K) on loop structure of a graph, and that the converse is also true for C(E) with finitely many ideals. In particular, for a Cuntz-Krieger algebra 𝒪A, RR(𝒪A) = 0 if and only if A satisfies Cuntz’s condition (II).

Received: 30 May 1999
Revised: 6 October 1999
Published: 1 October 2001
J.A. Jeong
BK 21, Mathematical Sciences Division
Seoul National University
Seoul, 151-742
G.H. Park
Department of Mathematics
Hanshin University
Osan, 447-791
D.Y. Shin
Department of Mathematics
University of Seoul
Seoul, 130-743