Vol. 201, No. 2, 2001

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Entropy in type I algebras

Sergey Neshveyev and Erling Størmer

Vol. 201 (2001), No. 2, 421–428

It is shown that if (M,ϕ,α) is a W-dynamical system with M a type I von Neumann algebra then the entropy of α w.r.t. ϕ equals the entropy of the restriction of α to the center of M. If furthermore (N,ψ,β) is a W-dynamical system with N injective then hϕψ(α β) = hϕ(α) + hψ(β).

Received: 31 January 2000
Published: 1 December 2001
Sergey Neshveyev
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
47, Lenin Ave.
310164, Kharkov
Erling Størmer
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1053
Blindern, 0316 Oslo