Vol. 201, No. 2, 2001

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A Riemann singularities theorem for Prym theta divisors, with applications

Roy Smith and Robert Varley

Vol. 201 (2001), No. 2, 479–509

Let (P,Ξ) be the naturally polarized model of the Prym variety associated to the étale double cover π: C C of smooth connected curves, where Ξ P Pic2g2(C), and g(C) = g. If L is any “nonexceptional” singularity of Ξ, i.e., a point L on Ξ Pic2g2(C) such that h0(C,L) 4, but which cannot be expressed as π(M)(B) for any line bundle M on C with h0(C,M) 2 and effective divisor B 0 on C, then we prove multL(Ξ) = (12)h0(C,L). We deduce that if C is nontetragonal of genus g 11, then double points are dense in singstΞ = {L in Ξ Pic2g2(C) such that h0(C,L) 4}. Let X = α1(P) Nm1(|ωC|) where Nm: C(2g2) C(2g2) is the norm map on divisors induced by π, and α: C(2g2) Pic2g2(C) is the Abel map for C. If h: X →|ωC| is the restriction of Nm to X and φ: X Ξ is the restriction of α to X, and if dim(singΞ) g 6, we identify the bundle h(𝒪(1)) defined by the norm map h, as the line bundle 𝒯φ φ(KΞ) intrinsic to X, where 𝒯φ is the bundle of “tangents along the fibers” of φ. Finally we give a proof of the Torelli theorem for cubic threefolds, using the Abel parametrization φ: X Ξ.

Received: 30 December 1999
Revised: 13 June 2000
Published: 1 December 2001
Roy Smith
Department of Mathematics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Robert Varley
Department of Mathematics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602