Vol. 203, No. 1, 2002

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Choix des signes pour la formalité de M. Kontsevich

D. Arnal, D. Manchon and M. Masmoudi

Vol. 203 (2002), No. 1, 23–66

The existence of star products on any Poisson manifold M is a consequence of Kontsevich’s formality theorem, the proof of which is based on an explicit formula giving a formality quasi-isomorphism in the flat case M = d. We propose here a coherent choice of orientations and signs in order to carry on Kontsevich’s proof in the d case, i.e., prove that Kontsevich’s formality quasi-isomorphism verifies indeed the formality equation with all the signs precised.

Received: 21 March 2000
Published: 1 March 2002
D. Arnal
Université de Metz
Département de Mathématiques
île du Saulcy
57045 Metz CEDEX 01
D. Manchon
Institut Elie Cartan
BP 239
54506 Vandœuvre CEDEX
M. Masmoudi
Université de Metz
Département de Mathématiques
île du Saulcy
57045 Metz CEDEX 01