Vol. 204, No. 2, 2002

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Discrete product systems of Hilbert bimodules

Neal J. Fowler

Vol. 204 (2002), No. 2, 335–375

A Hilbert bimodule is a right Hilbert module X over a C-algebra A together with a left action of A as adjointable operators on X. We consider families X = {Xs : s P} of Hilbert bimodules, indexed by a semigroup P, which are endowed with a multiplication which implements isomorphisms Xs AXt Xst; such a family is a called a product system. We define a generalized Cuntz-Pimsner algebra 𝒪X, and we show that every twisted crossed product of A by P can be realized as 𝒪X for a suitable product system X. Assuming P is quasi-lattice ordered in the sense of Nica, we analyze a certain Toeplitz extension 𝒯cv(X) of 𝒪X by embedding it in a crossed product BPτ,XP which has been “twisted” by X; our main Theorem is a characterization of the faithful representations of BPτ,XP.

Received: 25 April 1999
Published: 1 June 2002
Neal J. Fowler
3316 179th Avenue NE
Redmond WA 98052