Vol. 205, No. 1, 2002

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Embedding problems and finite quotients

Ted Chinburg and Darren Glass

Vol. 205 (2002), No. 1, 31–41

We give a condition on a family of solutions of quotients of an embedding problem which implies the embedding problem has a solution. This shows, in particular, that to solve an embedding problem associated to the maximal extension of a number field unramified outside a fixed finite set of places, it suffices to find a solution for each finite quotient of the embedding problem. This statement is not true in general over global function fields, but one can prove variants of it in this case in which extra conditions on the embedding problems or on the ramification of solutions are assumed.

Received: 7 June 2000
Revised: 9 April 2001
Published: 1 July 2002
Ted Chinburg
Department of Mathematics
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6395
Darren Glass
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
990 Broadway
509 Mathematics Building, Mail Code: 4406
New York, NY 10027