Vol. 205, No. 1, 2002

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A sharp division estimate for ultradifferentiable germs

Vincent Thilliez

Vol. 205 (2002), No. 1, 237–256

Let f (resp. φ) be a C (resp. real-analytic) function germ near the origin in Rn. Assume that f is divisible by φ in C, and that it belongs to a sufficiently regular utradifferentiable class {!M} of Carleman type (for example, one of the Gevrey rings familiar in the theory of differential equations). What can then be said about the regularity of the quotient f∕φ? In this paper, we obtain first a complete solution of this problem in the case n = 2. Namely, it is shown that f∕φ belongs to the Carleman class {!Md(φ)}, where d(φ) is a suitable Łojasiewicz exponent for the regular separation between the space R2 and certain components of the complex zero set Zφ of φ. This number can be explicitely computed by means of Puiseux expansions. We prove moreover that the division result is sharp for any φ and M. Finally, we apply it to get a characterization of closed principal ideals generated by real-analytic functions in Carleman classes of two variables, improving a result which was known previously only in the case of generators with isolated real zeros.

Received: 12 January 2000
Published: 1 July 2002
Vincent Thilliez
CNRS - UMR 8524
Mathématiques - Bâtiment M2
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex