Vol. 205, No. 2, 2002

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On the moduli space of the Schwarzenberger bundles

Paolo Cascini

Vol. 205 (2002), No. 2, 311–323

For any odd n, we prove that the coherent sheaf A on n, defined as the cokernel of an injective map f : 𝒪n2 𝒪n(1)(n+2), is Mumford-Takemoto stable if and only if the map f is stable, when considered as a point of the projective space (Hom(𝒪n2,𝒪n(n+2))) under the action of the reductive group SL(2) × SL(n + 2). This proves a particular case of a conjecture of J.-M.Drezet and it implies that a component of the Maruyama scheme of the semi-stable sheaves on n of rank n and Chern polynomial (1 + t)n+2 is isomorphic to the Kronecher moduli N(n + 1,2,n + 2), for any odd n. In particular, such scheme defines a smooth minimal compactification of the moduli space of the rational normal curves in n, that generalizes the construction defined by G. Ellinsgrud, R. Piene and S. Strømme in the case n = 3.

Revised: 6 April 2001
Published: 1 August 2002
Paolo Cascini
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
25 Mercer St.
New York, NY 10012