Vol. 205, No. 2, 2002

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On the structure of the value semigroup of a valuation

C. Galindo

Vol. 205 (2002), No. 2, 325–338

Let v be a valuation of the quotient field of a noetherian local domain R. Assume that v is centered at R. This paper studies the structure of the value semigroup of v, S. Ideals defining toric varieties can be defined from the graded algebra K[T] of cancellative commutative finitely generated semigroups such that T (T) = {0}. The value semigroup of a valuation S need not be finitely generated but we prove that S (S) = {0} and so, the study in this paper can also be seen as a generalization to infinite dimension of that of toric varieties.

In this paper, we prove that K[S] can be regarded as a module over an infinitely dimensional polynomial ring Av. We show a minimal graded resolution of K[S] as Av-module and we give an explicit method to obtain the syzygies of K[S] as Av-module. Finally, it is shown that free resolutions of K[S] as Av-module can be obtained from certain cell complexes related to the lattice associated to the kernel of the map Av K[S].

Received: 25 September 2000
Published: 1 August 2002
C. Galindo
D. Matemáticas (ESTCE)
UJI, Campus Riu Sec.
12071 Castellón. Spain