Vol. 205, No. 2, 2002

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Fixed point ratios in actions of finite exceptional groups of Lie type

Ross Lawther, Martin W. Liebeck and Gary M. Seitz

Vol. 205 (2002), No. 2, 393–464

Let G be a finite exceptional group of Lie type acting transitively on a set . For x G, the fixed point ratio of x is the proportion of elements of which are fixed by x. We obtain new bounds for such fixed point ratios. When a point-stabilizer is parabolic we use character theory; and in other cases, we use results on an analogous problem for algebraic groups in Lawther, Liebeck & Seitz, 2002. These give dimension bounds on fixed point spaces of elements of exceptional algebraic groups, which we apply by passing to finite groups via a Frobenius morphism.

Received: 10 October 2000
Revised: 26 September 2001
Published: 1 August 2002
Ross Lawther
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YF
Martin W. Liebeck
Department of Mathematics
Imperial College
London SW7 2BZ
Gary M. Seitz
Department of Mathematics
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403