Vol. 206, No. 1, 2002

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Hereditarily Odd–Even and combinatorial isols

Joseph Barback

Vol. 206 (2002), No. 1, 9–24

In this paper we study some of the arithmetic structure that is found in a special kind of semi-ring in the isols. These are the semi-rings [D(Y ),+,] that were introduced by J.C.E. Dekker, and that were later shown by E. Ellentuck to model the true universal recursive statements of arithmetic when Y is a regressive isol and is hyper-torre (= hereditarily odd-even = HOE). When Y is regressive and HOE, we further reflect on the structure of D(Y ). In addition, a new variety of regressive isol is introduced, called combinatorial. When Y is such an isol, then it is also HOE, and more, and the arithmetic of D(Y ) is shown to have a richer structure.

Received: 7 March 2000
Revised: 7 June 2000
Published: 1 September 2002
Joseph Barback
SUNY College
Buffalo NY 14222