Vol. 206, No. 2, 2002

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Stability of the conjugate index, degenerate conjugate points and the Maslov index in semi-Riemannian geometry

Francesco Mercuri, Paolo Piccione and Daniel V. Tausk

Vol. 206 (2002), No. 2, 375–400

We investigate the problem of the stability of the number of conjugate or focal points (counted with multiplicity) along a semi-Riemannian geodesic γ. For a Riemannian or a nonspacelike Lorentzian geodesic, such number is equal to the intersection number (Maslov index) of a continuous curve with a subvariety of codimension one of the Lagrangian Grassmannian of a symplectic space. In the general semi-Riemannian case, under a certain nondegeneracy assumption on the conjugate points, this number is equal to an algebraic count of their multiplicities. In this paper we reprove some results that were incorrectly stated by Helfer in 1994, where the occurrence of degeneracies was overlooked; in particular, a counterexample to one of Helfer’s results, which is essential for the theory, is given. In the last part of the paper we discuss a general technique for the construction of examples and counterexamples in the index theory for semi-Riemannian geodesics, in which some new phenomena appear.

Received: 5 January 2000
Revised: 15 April 2002
Published: 1 October 2002
Francesco Mercuri
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
SP, Brazil
Paolo Piccione
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade de São Paulo
Daniel V. Tausk
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade de São Paulo