We study bounded univalent
functions f(z) that map the unit disk into itself such that f(0) = 0 and the angular
limits f(ζk) with the angular derivatives f′(ζk) exist at fixed points ζk of the
unit circle, k = 1,…,n. We use a general inequality of Schiffer-Tammi type
obtained earlier by the authors and discuss the cases of the equality sign.
Sharp estimates of functionals are obtained in classes of such functions. An
explicit form of extremal functions is deduced. Since one of the methods
of solution is based on the extremal partition of the unit disk, we are also
concerned with some geometric problems. In particular, we study the problem
of the maximum of the sum of the reduced moduli of digons and circular
domains. As a corollary we derive sharp estimates of functionals dependent on