A Hilbert space of Dirichlet
series is obtained by considering the Dirichlet series f(s) =∑n=1∞ann−s that
satisfy ∑n=0∞|an|2< +∞. These series converge in the half plane Res > and
define a functions that are locally L2 on the boundary Res = . An analog of
Carleson’s celebrated convergence theorem is obtained: Each such Dirichlet series
converges almost everywhere on the critical line Res = . To each Dirichlet series of
the above type corresponds a “trigonometric” series ∑n=1∞anχ(n), where χ is a
multiplicative character from the positive integers to the unit circle. The space of
characters is naturally identified with the infinite-dimensional torus 𝕋∞, where each
dimension comes from a a prime number. The second analog of Carleson’s theorem
reads: The above “trigonometric” series converges for almost all characters