Vol. 208, No. 2, 2003

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A stability criterion for extremals of elliptic parametric functionals

Ulrich Clarenz

Vol. 208 (2003), No. 2, 231–242

In this paper we consider parametric integrals with elliptic integrands depending on the surface normal. The main result is a stability criterion for extremal immersions of those functionals, containing a result of Barbosa and do Carmo for minimal surfaces as a special case. Using similar techniques we are also able to show a condition for instability. The last section contains a simple proof of the fact that the surface normal of extremals of parametric integrals is topologically equivalent to a holomorphic function.

Received: 29 August 2001
Published: 1 February 2003
Ulrich Clarenz
Gerhard-Mercator-Universiät Duisburg
Fachbereich Mathematik
Lotharstraße 63/65
47048 Duisburg