Vol. 208, No. 2, 2003

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A topological approach to inverse and regular semigroups

Benjamin Steinberg

Vol. 208 (2003), No. 2, 367–396

Work of Ehresmann and Schein shows that an inverse semigroup can be viewed as a groupoid with an order structure; this approach was generalized by Nambooripad to apply to arbitrary regular semigroups. This paper introduces the notion of an ordered 2-complex and shows how to represent any ordered groupoid as the fundamental groupoid of an ordered 2-complex. This approach then allows us to construct a standard 2-complex for an inverse semigroup presentation.

Our primary applications are to calculating the maximal subgroups of an inverse semigroup which, under our topological approach, turn out to be the fundamental groups of the various connected components of the standard 2-complex. Our main results generalize results of Haatja, Margolis, and Meakin giving a graph of groups decomposition for the maximal subgroups of certain regular semigroup amalgams. We also generalize a theorem of Hall by showing the strong embeddability of certain regular semigroup amalgams as well as structural results of Nambooripad and Pastijn on such amalgams.

Received: 6 June 2001
Revised: 14 December 2001
Published: 1 February 2003
Benjamin Steinberg
Departmento de Matemática Pura
Faculdade de Ciências
da Universidade do Porto
4099-002 Porto